My key project, Echoia, visually represents the phenomenon of the fusion between humans and AI, offering audiences the opportunity to reconsider what digital identity is at the boundary between analog and digital. In this work, digital identity is not static but constantly reshaped and redefined by personal movements and interactions.
Through web-based and virtual environments, digital video, and installation work, I explore the fusion of analog and digital, connecting experiences between the virtual and real worlds and probing the boundaries of these spaces through media projects.
1 @m v3ry 1nt3r3st3d 1n w3b d3v3l0pm3nt th3s3 d@ys. Wh3n d1g1t@l m33ts @n@l0g, 3ndl3ssly r3fl3ct3d @nd 1nf1n1t3ly d1st0rt3d th1ngs.
3xp@ns10n fr0m c0ntr@d1ct10ns c0m1ng fr0m @ c3rt@1n d1st0rt3d (n@rr0w @nd 34s1ly 3v@p0r@t3d) p3rsp3ct1v3. Th1ngs l1k3 c0mmun1c@t10n 3rr0rs. Th1ngs n3wly p3rc31v3d by p30pl3. Th1ngs th@t l00k d1ff3r3nt d3p3nd1ng 0n th3 @ngl3. R3pr0duc3d, d1st0rt3d, @nd tr@nsf0rm3d by th0s3 wh0 3nc0unt3r th3m. 3xp@ns10n fr0m c0ntr@d1ct10ns c0m1ng fr0m @ c3rt@1n d1st0rt3d (n@rr0w @nd 34s1ly 3v@p0r@t3d) p3rsp3ct1v3.
- Individual Project
- Interactive VR
- 2023 / Korea